What were the motivators for you returning back to school to further your education and what value do you see in the Masters Prepared Nurse?
NR500 Foundational Concepts and Applications Week 1 Discussion Collaboration Café As you begin the journey into graduate education, it is important to understand the value of the Masters Prepared Nurse. Take a moment and reflect on your decision to return to graduate school. What were the motivating factors: a better job, requirement for promotion, a desire for professional development, or the opportunity to influence positive change and shape the future of nursing practice? Take a moment to reflect on your “why”. When we understand our “why” it can help to motivate us during challenging times during this educational journey. What were the motivators for you returning back to school to further your education and what value do you see in the Masters Prepared Nurse? Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/