
This is due by Monday at midnight PST, which is the last day of Module 6 for this Course.

Remember to use the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName M01.docx when submitting your work. J.Smith M01.docx, for example. It is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will be appended automatically.

Begin by reading and following the instructions below:

1. To help you focus, quickly skim the questions or assignment below, as well as the assignment rubric.

2. Read the required textbook chapter(s) as well as any additional recommended resources. Some answers may necessitate further research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Select your sources with care.

3. Take into account the discussions and any insights gained from them.

4. Create your Assignment submission and remember to cite your sources, use APA style as needed, and double-check your spelling.


This week’s assignment will be an APA paper with citations.

A title page, level headings, and a reference page are all required.

Case Study No. 1

Mrs. Franklin-Jones,

One week ago, he was admitted from the emergency room to Cardiac Intensive Care with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. She has recovered as expected and is being transferred to the cardiac unit.

Today is a step down unit. “I was really surprised when I got that bad pain in my chest!” she says to Nurse Julie Hernandez as she settles into her new room. I was aware that I had high blood pressure, but I didn’t believe it was that severe. I try to take my medication as prescribed by the clinic, but I occasionally forget. I suppose I should read the papers they gave me about what foods I should and should not eat. I’d better look after myself! Momma had high blood pressure, which killed her! Who knows, maybe I’ll have to learn to cook.

not what I was taught in Jamaica! I might have to delegate the cooking to Tomas. Since he lost his job, he has more time at home than I do. Between my shifts at the school cafeteria and my new housecleaning job, I don’t have much time. You are aware that my sister is traveling from Jamaica to see me. I believe she’s on her way to bring me some bush tea. That will put me right!”

Using Leininger’s Culture Care Model, what aspects of Mrs. Franklin-Jones’ story should Nurse Hernandez consider when planning the patient’s discharge?
Why is Culture Care Diversity Theory important in the delivery of nursing care to all patients?
Create a care plan for Mrs. Franklin-Jones based on Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

according to Leininger’s Theory
Case Study Number Two

Claude Jean-Baptiste has been transferred to the Rehabilitation Institute, which is adjacent to the hospital, to recover from post-hip replacement surgery. When he enters the unit, he notices welcoming signs written in several languages, including Creole, his native tongue. Because there are no Creole-speaking nurses on that shift, they use a language line to request translation services. During this initial nursing assessment, the translator informs Mr. Jean-Baptiste that the nurses have invited him to have a relative by his side to ensure that they understand and meet his needs. He is questioned about Haitian customs and beliefs that they may respect. Mr. Jean-Baptiste is encouraged to bring food as well as spiritual support.

items, as well as to spread the warmth of his culture to the nursing staff.

Discuss the Transpersonal Caring relationship’s assumptions. What is the role of the nurse?
How does Watson’s definition of love manifest itself in this caring moment?
How can the nurse use her creativity to create a healing environment?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

in relation to Watson’s Theory