Explain three value-added support strategies that can assist a nursing home in achieving its goal of providing a safe and caring environment for its residents.
“Strategies for Delivery” Please respond to the following questions:
•Explain three value-added support strategies that can assist a nursing home in achieving its goal of providing a safe and caring environment for its residents.
•Suggest three specific market segments where a walk-in clinic could gain market share. Give an explanation for your response.
“Value-Add Strategies” Please respond to the following questions:
•Determine three value-added support strategies that the organization you researched would require to achieve its mission based on the e-Activity. Give a reason for your decision.
•Differentiate between putting in place a value-added strategy and planning for its long-term viability. Provide one example of a strategy and one environmental factor from the e-Activity that management for this organization should consider when mapping the organization for sustainability.