
Windshield Survey 10% / Community Assessment Project 20% Conduct a survey of the clinical placement community using a windshield (or a surrounding community). Use the following to create a three-page report with brief recommendations for any issues raised during the survey.

1. Vitality of the community

Is it possible to see people in the community? What are they up to?

Who are the people who live in the area? What are their ages? What is the most common age group (e.g., elderly, preschoolers, young mothers, or school-aged children)?

What is the most common ethnicity or race?

What was the overall appearance of those you saw? Do they appear to be healthy? Do you notice any obvious disabilities, such as those using walkers or wheelchairs, or those suffering from mental or emotional disorders? Where do they call home?

Do you notice residents who are well fed or underfed, thin or obese, vigorous or frail, unkempt or scantily dressed, or well dressed and clean?

Do you notice any tourists or visitors in the neighborhood?

Do you notice any individuals who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol?

Do you notice any pregnant women? Do you see women pushing strollers and children who are dying? 2. Social and economic indicators

2. Indicators of socioeconomic and political conditions

What is the overall condition of the houses you see? Is this a single-family house or a multi-family structure? Is there any evidence of dilapidated housing or urban renewal areas? What modes of transportation do people appear to use? Is there public transportation? Is there a sufficient number of bus stops with benches and shade? Is there transportation to health-care resources?

Is there any public housing? What is its current state?

Is there any indication of the types of jobs available to residents? Are there any nearby job opportunities, such as factories, small businesses, or military bases? Is there a visible presence of unemployed people, such as homeless people?

Do you notice men congregating in large groups on the street? What are they like and what are they up to?

Is this in a rural area? Are there farms or agricultural businesses in the area?

Is there any evidence of seasonal workers, such as migrant or day laborers?

Do you see any women loitering on the streets? What are they up to?

Do you see any children or adolescents leaving school during the day?

Is there any interest in political campaigns or issues like campaign signs?

Is there any evidence of health education on billboards, advertisements, signs, radio or television stations?

Do these approaches appear to be appropriate for the people you observed? What types of schools and day care centers are there?

3. Health-care resources

Do you see any hospitals? What type are they? Where can I find them?

Are there any clinics nearby? Who are they there to serve? Are there any family planning services available?

Is there a doctor’s or a dentist’s office? Do they specialize or are they generalists?

Are there any nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, mental health clinics, alcohol or drug treatment centers, homeless or abused shelters, wellness clinics, health department facilities, family planning services, or pharmacies?

Are these resources adequate and sufficient to address the types of issues that exist in this community?

4. Health-related environmental conditions

Do you see anything that makes you suspicious of ground, water, or air pollutants?

What is the housing’s sanitary condition? Is your home overcrowded, filthy, or in need of repair? Are the windows screened in?

What is the state of the roads? Are there any potholes? Is there a drainage system in place? Are there any low-water crossings, and if so, are there any warning signs? Is there an adequate number of traffic lights, signs, sidewalks, and curbs? Are there warning signs and barriers at railroad crossings? Is there adequate lighting in the streets and parking lots? Is this a high-traffic area, or are the roads dangerous?

Is there access for people with disabilities to buildings, sidewalks, and streets?

Do you pay attention to recreational facilities and playgrounds? Are they put to use? Is there a YMCA or a community center in the area? Is there a day care center or a preschool nearby?

Are kids having fun in the streets, alleys, yards, or parks?

Are there any restaurants nearby?

Is food available on the streets? Is it common for people to eat in public places? Is there a trash can and a place for people to sit? Are there public restrooms?

What evidence of pests, such as ants, flies, mosquitoes, or rodents, do you see?

5. Social interaction

Do you notice any families in the surrounding areas? Can you see their structure or how they work? Who is responsible for the children? What kind of oversight do they have? Is there more than one generation in the room?

Are there any identifiable subgroups that are socially or geographically related to one another?

What evidence do you have of a sense of neighborliness?

What evidence of community cohesion can you find? Is there any organized effort in the neighborhood to improve living conditions or the neighborhood as a whole? Is there a neighborhood watch program? Do community organizations put up signs for neighborhood meetings?

How many churches, synagogues, or other places of worship are there, and what kinds are they?

Is there anything you notice that makes you suspicious of social problems like gang activity, juvenile delinquency, drug or alcohol abuse, or adolescent pregnancy? 6. Attitude toward health and well-being.

6. Attitudes toward health and health-care services

Is there evidence of folk medicine practice, such as a botanical or herbal medicine shop? Are there any practitioners of alternative medicine?

Do you believe that health resources are being used effectively or inefficiently?

Is evidence of preventive or wellness care available?

Do you notice any efforts to improve the health of the neighborhood? Have you come across any health fairs? Do you come across any advertisements for health-related events, clinics, or lectures?