
The paper’s objectives are as follows: PEDIATRIC NURSE

To conduct research, write about, and give a presentation on a health-care profession of interest.
How to apply to your program of choice, prerequisites, and using Webadvisor are all examples of what steps are required in order to pursue this career.
To explain how and why you chose this profession, as well as your values and goals
It is necessary to describe the time management strategies and study skills that will be used to achieve this goal.
In order to forecast potential advantages and disadvantages
In order to graduate from this course with a better understanding of a health care career pathway
To share your findings with your peers, thereby promoting a better understanding amongst the general public.
The health care career choice you will be researching should be decided by the end of week 2 and a reflection journal should be established. Week 3: Through the assignments, you will gain more understanding of yourself and your career choice on a weekly basis.

The following questions will be addressed in the paper:

The practice area is defined as follows:
The level of education required is as follows:
requirements for obtaining a license
The standards of practice and ethical code that apply to this profession
Self-Expression and Self-Awareness are important.
What did you discover about your profession that you were not aware of before?
Consider your perceived strengths and potential obstacles that should be addressed in your business plan.
Do you face any external challenges, such as those related to family, work, finances, or time?
Reread your journal and share your AHA moments and insights gained from this course with your group of peers.
What are some of the success strategies that you plan to adopt, or that you are currently implementing and finding effective?
What is the relationship between your values and goals and this profession?
What methods do you use to deal with stress?
If this is the type of career you want to pursue, do you have the time, dedication, and support necessary to see it through? Please provide an explanation.
What are your plans for the rest of the day?
How do you apply to the program, and what prerequisites do you need to complete before you can start?
Do you have a long-term strategy that includes a transfer of ownership? If so, have you given any thought to where you might want to go?