Describe what actions worked and what didn’t in resolving the ethical quandary.
Discusses an ethical issue that you’ve encountered in your clinical setting. Include at least two APA citations from sources that back up or address your points of view or ideas:
Determine an ethical quandary in your clinical or professional setting. The situation could be an example of either ethical OR unethical behaviour, or a combination of the two. It could be an example of something that worked well or something that could be improved.
Describe the ethical issue in detail, including the client’s history.
Describe what actions worked and what didn’t in resolving the ethical quandary.
Determine the ethical principles at play (confidentiality, non-maleficence, etc.)
Determine three nursing interventions that would be useful in resolving the ethical dilemma. These could include ethical actions that you witnessed as well as any ethical actions that were missing from the situation.
This paper should be two pages long (not including the title page) and double-spaced. Your paper should have an introduction and conclusion, as well as proper APA citations from any sources you use, including your text.