Describe the journal article’s human subject protection and cultural issues.
Examine a primary quantitative research peer-reviewed journal article with healthcare implications (recommended length of 3–5 pages) by undertaking the following:
1. Using the attached “Evidence Table,” determine how the researcher addresses the five categories listed below in the selected journal article:
· a preamble or introduction
• doing a literature review
• Methodology discussion
• analysis of data
• the conclusion of the researcher
2. Evaluate whether the evidence offered in each section of the journal article backs up the researcher’s claim.
Note: To address A1, the attached “Evidence Table” can be used. Under the table, A2-A5 might be addressed on the same page.
Note: Consider how the A1 table’s first four sections support the fifth component, the conclusion.
3. Describe the journal article’s human subject protection and cultural issues.
4. Determine the study’s strengths and shortcomings.
5. Explain how evidence influences nursing practice.
B. Assess a main qualitative research peer-reviewed journal article with healthcare implications (recommended length: 3–5 pages) by doing the following:
1. Using the attached “Evidence Table,” determine how the researcher addresses the five categories listed below in the selected journal article:
· a preamble or introduction
• doing a literature review
• Methodology discussion
• analysis of data
• the conclusion of the researcher
2. Evaluate whether the evidence offered in each section of the journal article backs up the researcher’s claim.
B1 can be addressed using the “Evidence Table” provided. Under the table, B2-B5 might be addressed on the same page.
Consider how the first four components of the B1 table support the fifth and final section, the conclusion.
3. Describe the journal article’s human subject protection and cultural issues.
4. Determine the study’s strengths and shortcomings.
5. Explain how evidence influences nursing practice.
C. Cite sources for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized using APA-formatted in-text citations and references.