Compare and contrast structural family therapy and strategic family therapy.
The students will:
Compare and contrast structural family therapy and strategic family therapy.
Make structural family trees.
Justify family therapy recommendations.
To get ready:
Examine this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they offer on structural and strategic family therapy.
For information on creating a structural family map, see Gerlach (2015) in this week’s Learning Resources.
The Project
Address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper:
Summarize the main points of both structural and strategic family therapy.
Compare structural family therapy and strategic family therapy, noting their respective strengths and weaknesses.
Use a structural family map to illustrate a family in your practicum. Keep in mind that HIPAA regulations must be followed.
Recommend and justify a specific therapy for the family using the Learning Resources.
Triangle Productions, Inc. (Producer). (2001). Couples’ brief strategic therapy [Video file]. Author lives in La Jolla, California.
S. Navarre (1998). The structural family therapy of Salvador Minuchin and its application to multicultural family systems. doi:10.1080/016128498248845. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 19(6), 557–570.