Compare and contrast structural family therapy and strategic family therapy.
Compare and contrast structural family therapy and strategic family therapy.
Make structural family trees.
Justify family therapy recommendations.
To get ready:
Examine this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they offer on structural and strategic family therapy.
For information on creating a structural family map, see Gerlach (2015) in this week’s Learning Resources.
The Project
Address the following in a 2- to 3-page paper:
Summarize the main points of both structural and strategic family therapy.
Compare structural family therapy and strategic family therapy, noting their respective strengths and weaknesses.
Use a structural family map to illustrate a family in your practicum. Keep in mind that HIPAA regulations must be followed.
Recommend and justify a specific therapy for the family using the Learning Resources.
Triangle Productions, Inc. (Producer). (2001). Couples’ brief strategic therapy [Video file]. Author lives in La Jolla, California.
S. Navarre (1998).