What were the challenges that you faced in understanding the theory?
NU601 Nursing Theory Week 1 Discussion DQ1 Meet Your Peers Please respond to the following prompts: Please discuss your area of nursing practice and interest in nursing theory. Feel free to share any additional information you would like your peers to know about you.DQ2 Applying Florence Nightingale’s Theory to Your Life Please respond to the following prompts: Choose one patient care problem (for example, adolescents at the end of life) and describe two ways you can apply Nightingale’s theory to the concept of environment. View the trailer of “An Inconvenient Truth” (found on the Learning Materials page), which is a movie by former Vice President Al Gore. How can you use Nightingale’s theory to address this major environmental problem? Your initial post should contain two to three (2–3) paragraphs with three to four (3–4) sentences per paragraph. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for the citations and references.DQ3 Syllabus Review The syllabus is a detailed document that outlines the course expectations for students. By carefully reviewing the syllabus during your first week, you will ensure that you don’t miss any essential activities or information that will be helpful over the term. Reply to this discussion board by Day 7, stating that you have read the syllabus and listing one item that you learned “new” after reading the syllabus. NU601 Nursing TheoryWeek 3 Discussion Borderline Case- Ethics of Patient Care For this discussion, you will be applying defining attributes to an actual patient case. Please listen to the NPR podcast, “If You Have Dementia, Can You Hasten Death As You Wished?” Additionally, review Wilkinson’s defining attributes (found in the Wilkinson (1997) reading in the Learning Materials section).Please respond to the following prompts: Review Wilkinson’s (1997) defining attributes and describe how the NPR podcast, “If You Have Dementia, Can you Hasten Death As You Wished?” case story meets the definition of a borderline case. Describe the ethical issues the case raises.If it were changed to meet criteria for a model case, what ethical issues would come to the forefront? Your initial post should contain two to three (2–3) paragraphs with three to four (3–4) sentences per paragraph. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references. NU601 Nursing Theory Week 4 Discussion Grand Theory Group Presentation Reflections Create your initial post by Day 3 about your own group and theory experience. Additionally, one student in each group should post their group’s presentation website/URL by Day 3, clearly indicating the group number. Reply to at least two other Grand Theory Group Presentations by Day 7.Grading Category: Discussions This discussion board is to be completed individually; not with your group. Initial PostPlease respond to the following prompts: One student in each group should post their Grand Theory Presentation website/URL by Day 3.Describe your thoughts on the grand theory about which your group presented. What were the challenges that you faced in understanding the theory? How did you attempt to resolve those challenges? Your initial post should contain two to three (2–3) paragraphs of three to four (3–4) sentences per paragraph. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references. NU601 Nursing Theory Week 6 Discussion Practice Theory Evaluation For this discussion, you will be evaluating Willis, DeSanto-Madeya, & Fawcett (2015). Moving beyond dwelling in suffering: A situation-specific theory of men’s healing from childhood maltreatment. Nursing Science Quarterly, 28(1), 57–63.Initial PostFor your initial post, your group should collaborate to address the following: Situation-Specific Theory Evaluation CriteriaComplexity/Simplicity: Is the theory complex or simple? Explain. ClarityIs the theory understandable? Why or why not? How could this theory be made more understandable? Describe. Parsimony Is the theory concise or wordy?Provide examples. Socio-cultural Utility Does the theory attend to diversity? If so, how? If not, suggest one way it can be refined to address diversity using at least one reference to support your suggestion.AccuracyIs the theory relevant to nursing today? If yes, provide an example of its relevance. If not, please explain. Your initial post should contain be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750 words. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references. NU601 Nursing TheoryWeek 7 Discussion Application to Pragmatic Adequacy Assignment Reflections Please respond to the following prompts: Identify the article your group wrote their assignment about.Which theory or model did your group choose and which Healthy People 2020 objective/topic did you connect it to as a group? Provide a summary of your group’s work in five to seven (5–7) sentences. Then select a different Healthy People 2020 objective/topic and connect it to your group’s selected theory or model. Identify this objective topic and discuss how you would apply your chosen Healthy People 2020 objective/topic to the selected theory or model, focusing on the following two areas: Outlining client outcomes Designing nursing interventions Ensure you utilize at least three scholarly sources in your initial post. NU601 Nursing TheoryWeek 8 Discussion Application of a Shared Theory or Model to Primary Care Advanced Practice Nursing Please respond to the following prompt: Applying your selected model to your primary care specialty, describe how you would use the model in intervening with a patient-care problem focusing on assessment, counseling, and teaching (for example: PNP: Adolescents with Type One diabetes; Women’s Health: Mothers with postpartum depression; Adult Geriatric NP: Older widower coping with their spouse’s death).Your initial post should contain two to three (2–3) paragraphs with three to four 3–4 sentences per paragraph. The post should integrate a minimum of three readings and/or other evidence-based research articles no more than three years old and use APA formatting for citations and references. Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/