Nursing PICOT Help
1. needs by THURSDAY 1200, must use APA 7th addition to locate an article about an example of ethical misconduct in research using traditional or web resources, not your text. Write 250- to 400-words in which you: Identify and briefly describe the unethical study you found. Note the year the study occurred, and consider where in the development or conduct of the study researchers or associated parties might have had the opportunity to intervene on behalf of the study’s subjects. Include in-text citations, a reference list, and a link to the article so that your peers can review it. Note: Initial answers to the discussion question must be substantive and in the range of 250–400 words. Any references should be properly cited following APA formatting guidelines._________________________________________________________2. Needs by Saturday 1200, Must use APA 7th edditionuse this article: Picot question for related to this issue is; Does education on good hygiene and hydration (I) among geriatric patients with a history of UTIs (P) help in the prevention of septicemia(O) in their elderly age (T) locate a research article related to your PICO question that uses a theoretical framework. Identify the theoretical framework utilized in your selected research article. Note: When you search for an article, your assigned theory or framework should be identified and applied to the research process. The name of your theory should be a search term. Be sure to include the reference for your article in APA format with all assignments. If you are unable to locate an article in your topic area that uses a theoretical framework, you may answer the questions below based on the Exploring the Factors That Influence Nurse Practitioner Role Transition (Links to an external site.) article. Write 2–3 sentences summarizing the results of the study, the population, and the model’s application therein, and write a response to the following in the discussion forum: Identify 1–2 ways you believe the theory in the article affected aspects of the study design or methods. How do you think the study might have differed if this framework had not been used? Include a properly formatted APA reference. use this article: Purchase this Tutorial from