Explain how the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations were addressed by the researcher, using specific information from the journal article from part B.
Evaluate a primary, qualitative research, peer-reviewed journal article with healthcare implications (suggested length of 3—5 pages) by doing the following:
Note: You may choose an article focusing on any healthcare topic or one of the following topics: falls and fall prevention, pain management in children, opioid abuse, hepatitis C, catheter-associated urinary tract infections, or hand hygiene and infections in hospitals. You may use the same subject as in Part A.
1. Describe how the researcher addresses the four areas listed below in the chosen journal article:
background information or an introduction (e.g., the purpose of the study)
study of the literature (e.g., research used to support the study)
data examination (e.g., how the researcher analysed the data)
2. Evaluate whether the evidence presented in each of the four areas of the journal article from part B1 supports the outcome of the study and implications for future research.
3. Explain how the protection of human subjects and cultural considerations were addressed by the researcher, using specific information from the journal article from part B.
4. Identify one strength and one limitation of the study.
5. Describe how the evidence from the article in part B informs current nursing practices.