explain why you chose the concept you did
Choose a nursing theory or a theory used in nursing for your paper. After you have described the theory, you must select one of the theorist’s concepts. If you chose Roy, for example, you could use adaptation as your concept. Other theories’ concepts include: health, environment, coping, grief, alarm fatigue, and medication errors.
This assignment is an exercise designed to invest gate the meaning of nursing theory.
To begin, provide a summary of the theory.
Next, explain why you chose the concept you did (one paragraph)
Please keep in mind that this is NOT a formal concept analysis paper. A formal concept analysis paper includes a thorough review of the literature, follows steps in a well-established concept analysis/development approach, and necessitates qualitative analytic skills.
This assignment will include the “definitions of the concept,” “attributes (key characteristics or dimensions) of the concept,” and “a model case used in a research study (an exemplar)” of a formal concept analysis paper.
Then, you will conduct a literature search using the concept’s name or synonyms to determine how the concept was used in the literature. Create or adopt a definition that you believe best describes the concept.
List the key features (attributes) that define the concept. To complete the list of attributes, use your definition, research and clinical articles and books, as well as your personal, clinical, and theoretical experiences. Then, you can look for additional literature to back up the concept’s identified characteristics (attributes). Each student should locate at least three highly relevant scholarly articles that address the concept’s key characteristics. Summarize or synthesize the concept’s definition, which may be derived from dictionary and literature definitions.
Determine at least one research study that employs your theory. Describe and criticize their application of the concept.
The following are the paper’s suggested components. However, the order or organization of these components may differ depending on your writing style or preference.
Introduce your paper’s purpose, theory, concept (phenomenon) of interest, and rationale for selection (30 percent ). Examples of rationales include:
Provide a definition for the concept that reflects your evaluation, synthesis, or summary of definitions from dictionaries (only the Oxford English Dictionary) and literature. (ten percent)
Identify the concept’s key aspects (i.e. key characteristics, dimensions, essence, or attributes). All of these key aspects should be reflected in your concept definition and can be drawn from literature, books, clinical, personal, and theoretical experiences. thirty percent
Describe 1-3 examples of a theory or concept that was used in a research study. (20% discount)
Finish with a summary that includes implications for future research, formal investigation, or application to clinical practice. Display appropriate professional writing skills, such as APA style, grammar, and punctuation. (ten percent)
the need to define, refine, explore, disambiguate, or clarify the concept that describes the phenomenon of your interest, as well as the phenomenon’s significance to nursing (including nursing clinical practice, education, administration, and research etc.)