How common were short-acting Î2 2 -agonists, and what percentage of the whole sample used them?
1. In the Eckerblad et al. (2014) study, what is the frequency and proportion of COPD patients in the severe airway limitation group who are employed?
2. How much of the overall sample has been retired? How many people in the entire sample are on sick leave?
3. What is the study’s total sample size? What proportion of the total sample was still used and at what frequency? Make a visual representation of your calculations and round your answer to the nearest full percentage.
4. What is the total proportion of the sample that has smoked in the past, either currently or previously? Is it clinically important for research participants to have a smoking history? Give an explanation for your response.
5. How many pack years have you smoked? Is there a significant difference in pack years of smoking between the moderate and severe airow limiting groups? Give an explanation for your response.
6. What were the top four psychological symptoms reported by this group of COPD patients? What percentage of the participants have these symptoms? Was there a significant difference in psychological symptoms between the moderate and severe airflow limitation groups?
7. How common were short-acting Î2 2 -agonists, and what percentage of the whole sample used them? Make a visual representation of your calculations and round to the nearest full percent.
8. Is there a significant difference in the utilization of short-acting Î2 2 -agonists between the moderate and severe airow limitation groups? Give an explanation for your response.
9. Did the percentage of COPD patients who used short-acting Î2 2 agonists for moderate and severe airway obstruction match your expectations? For your answer, provide a rationale and supporting documentation.
Is this set of findings ready for use in practice? Give an explanation for your response.