Reflect on your role as a nurse executive and how you would explain to team leaders and other managers in a healthcare setting
NURS6221 Managing Human Resources Week 4 Discussion Creating Psychologically Safe Healthcare Teams As you consider necessary qualities for a nurse executive, where do you place the capacity to persuade? Although the position may come with authority to make decisions and give orders, the ability to establish an environment where employees feel free to disagree may be as important, if not more so, than the power invested in your position. Creating psychologically safe environments within a healthcare setting is one such example. Photo Credit: Getty Images Environments are generally fashioned by the people in charge and changing how people react and respond is not as simple as flipping a switch—or even issuing a directive. It often requires providing strong evidence that encourages a change in behavior. For this Discussion, you will explore the process of creating psychologically safe healthcare teams by considering how you would educate others about the necessity of providing psychological safety and, specifically, how to achieve it. To Prepare: Review the Learning Resources on psychological safety. In particular, review the video resources featuring Amy Edmondson, a Harvard professor and expert on psychological safety in the workplace. Consider the role of team leaders in creating psychologically safe environments, and based on the resources provided, the specific benefits for healthcare organizations. Reflect on your role as a nurse executive and how you would explain to team leaders and other managers in a healthcare setting their roles in creating psychologically safe environments for team members, including benefits for teams and the organization. Consider possible types of resistance from team leaders and others, and how you would respond. By Day 3 of Week 4Post the following: A brief explanation of how, as a nurse executive, you would make the case to team leaders in a healthcare setting for the importance of developing a culture of psychological safety for team members. Describe how you would present the role of team leaders in creating psychologically safe environments, challenges you might face in working with team leaders on this goal, and how you would respond to overcome those challenges. Cite the Learning Resources or other literature to support your post. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. By Day 6 of Week 4Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by providing alternative reasoning or approaches to making a case for psychologically safe environments in a healthcare setting and in working with team leaders to achieve that goal. Support your responses with the Learning Resources or other current literature. Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the Post to Discussion Question link. and then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit! Purchase this Tutorial.