Identify in your journal academic and professional achievements that meet those selected outcomes.
NUR462 NURSING CAPSTONE Module 1 Assignment Reflective Journal: Self-Appraisal Nursing faculty at Excelsior College (EC) identify End of Program Student Learning Outcomes (EPSLOs) based on competencies we expect a baccalaureate graduate to demonstrate upon program completion. These EPSLOs are unique to each program at EC. As we progress through the course, in the first 6 modules you will be asked to reflect upon selected EPSLOs and identify in your journal academic and professional achievements that meet those selected outcomes. This is part of a process to help you craft your vision for becoming the professional nurse you want to be. In other words, this is a process of self-authorship.Therefore, in modules 1 – 6, you will be asked to engage in intentional reflection and consider your accomplishments (academic and professional):Integrate meaningful experiences and personal learning goals in your journal as you describe how you met the identified end of program student learning outcome (EPSLO);Provide scholarly works that you believe exemplifies your changing identity as a professional nurseYour scholarly work is evidence to the reader and also to yourself of the accomplishment you’ve achieved; support your choices and describe how the work you choose demonstrates this.We ask that you attach supportive evidence that support your comments and save them to a file. The supportive evidence may include but is not limited to: scholarly papers, collaborative projects, presentations, field experiences, tests, professional organizations, and committee participations; or other activities that are relevant to the selected EPSLO identified and your learning goals in each of the modules. The supportive evidence may apply to more than one EPSLO.Please refer to the Rubric for Grading the Reflective Journal as you begin this assignment. A Title page of this assignment with a summary of accomplishments (no more than 2 pages in length) is expected with attached files as supportive evidence for each EPSLO. A minimum of one or two examples is required to support each EPSLO.In Module 1, please reflect upon EPSLO 1 and highlight in your journal supportive evidence that relate to your accomplishments.EPSLO 1: Promote holistic patient centered care and population health supporting values, culture, right to self-fulfillment, and quality care outcomes.In your Journal summarize personal and professional achievements and accomplishments that you have completed throughout the baccalaureate nursing program at EC that refer to EPSLO 1: Promote holistic patient centered care and population health supporting values, culture, right to self-fulfillment, and quality care outcomes.Attach a minimum of at least two examples of your work that supports EPSLO 1 noted above. Save your Journal entry as your Self-Appraisal for each module in your word document. The professor will request that you submit your journal entries for informal feedback at the end of each module. A Title page of this assignment with a summary of accomplishments (no more than 2 pages in length) is required with attached files as supportive evidence for each EPSLO. A minimum of one or two examples is required to support each EPSLO. Refer to the Nursing Bachelor’s Library Guide for additional assistance. You can locate your specific course by clicking on the dropdown menu under, the Courses tab. Purchase this Tutorial.