You will take pre-existing information and use critical thinking to create a fall prevention program for a South Florida facility. You will create the name for the Fall Prevention Program.
Elder safety is always a top priority for healthcare providers because without a safe environment, the elder will be injured and their health will suffer. A fall could occur as a result of the environment and a lack of safety. Fall prevention programs are constantly being developed to ensure the safety of the elderly in a variety of settings. The following assignment will educate you on the components of an effective, evidence-based fall prevention program. You will develop a Falls Prevention Program based on this material and any other evidence-based, peer-reviewed, recent journals (within the last three years) by incorporating all of the factors that you can find and creatively utilizing them as interventions in your program. (Please keep in mind that sources must be peer-reviewed journals published within the last three years.) APA format
You will take pre-existing information and use critical thinking to create a fall prevention program for a South Florida facility. You will create the name for the Fall Prevention Program.
You will also develop on your own:
how to implement the program
the objectives and interventions (such as resources needed, training required and how much it will cost)
a marketing strategy
a cost estimate
Because you will need to integrate the program into the institution’s corporate structure, you will also need to plan how to present it to the Administrative team with items such as initial rollout, benefit to the institution, and cost, which should be minimal so that you can sell it to the A-Team.
The following details must be included:
1. Is this a nursing home, skilled nursing facility, hospital, etc.?
2. Facility Name:
3. Corporation Name: (if applicable):
4. Falls Program Name:
A. Intervention list: Identify at least five (5) interventions that will aid in the reduction of the number of falls. Remember that all interventions should be evidence-based and the result of genuine research from a peer-reviewed journal article (s).
B. Training list: Include a list of some of the training that may be required.
C. Make a list of some of the items you’ll need to start and maintain the program. (For example, signs, socks, alarms, and so on.)
D. The program’s estimated cost: Be realistic, and keep in mind that money is a valuable commodity in any facility. You will also need to present this to the Administration as a proposal.