Write in a scholarly tone that is easy to follow and free of grammatical and spelling errors.
Write in a scholarly tone that is easy to follow and free of grammatical and spelling errors. You will analyze two scholarly research articles on the causes of depression for this assignment. Select two articles that relate to the side you will take in the debate to help you with your position and arguments for the Unit 5 debate discussion and Unit 6 paper on the causes of depression. The worksheet is very similar to the article analysis you did in Unit 2. In addition to the elements of purpose, point of view, assumptions, arguments, and evidence, you will provide APA references for this worksheet and consider the inferences, conclusions, and implications of the research findings. You may choose one of the debate resources in this unit’s studies. The second article will be chosen from the Capella library. If you do not find an article in the debate resources list that you want to use, you may choose two from the Capella library:
After you’ve chosen and read your articles, fill out the Causes of Depression Issue Analysis Worksheet.
Turnitin will accept your worksheet if you submit it through the Unit 4 assignment link.
Finally, turn in your worksheet for grading to your instructor.
Refer to the Scoring Guide for Causes of Depression Issue Analysis to understand how this assignment will be graded and to ensure you meet the grading criteria.