Write a brief paper in which you review the brochure and include current nursing or healthcare research to back up your point of view.
1. Choose a Speak Up brochure from The Joint Commission. To get to the correct website, click on this link: http://www.jointcommission.org/topics/speakup brochures.aspx.
2. Write a brief paper in which you review the brochure and include current nursing or healthcare research to back up your point of view.
a. The paper’s length should be no more than three pages, double spaced, excluding the title page and reference page.
3. Make use of proper citations as well as Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and organization based on the required components.
4. Use Microsoft Word 2007 to create the review (a part of Microsoft Office 2007). The document is saved as an MS Word 2007 document if the filename ends in â€.docx.â€
5. Both a title page and a reference page are required in APA format. As Level 1 headers, use the review’s required components (upper- and lowercase, bold, centered).
Introduction Summary of Brochure Brochure Evaluation Con