Write a 500-700 word informal presentation to inform nurses about how nursing practice is anticipated to evolve and develop. Include the terms “continuity of care,” “accountable care organizations,” “medical homes,” and “nurse-managed health clinics.”
Nurses will continue to play a vital role as the government concentrates on revamping the United States’ health-care delivery system. More nursing positions are predicted to become accessible in the community, but fewer will be available in acute care hospitals.
Write a 500-700 word informal presentation to inform nurses about how nursing practice is anticipated to evolve and develop. Include the terms “continuity of care,” “accountable care organizations,” “medical homes,” and “nurse-managed health clinics.”
Share your presentation with your unit or department’s nurse colleagues, and ask them for their thoughts on the projected changes in health care delivery and the changing role of nurses in hospitals, communities, clinics, and medical homes.
In 800-1,000 words, summarize three nursing colleagues’ input and discuss whether their impressions are aligned with what you’ve learned about health reform from your research.
This assignment requires a minimum of three scholarly sources.