With what you already know, what kind of factual and subjective data can you obtain? What mechanism will you employ to collect this data? What other evidence do you require?
Daniel is a 16-year-old identical twin brother. He and his brother Jeff are quite close and participate in many of the same hobbies. While Daniel excels in sports, he believes his brother outperforms him in practically every other aspect. Daniel, his brother, and their two sisters live with their parents in the Midwest. Daniel has been more tired than normal recently. He felt it was owing to his hectic schedule and excellent academic performance. His grades are normally Bs, albeit they have recently begun to decline. He passed out while getting ready for a game one day. Daniel’s coach informed his parents that he had been sent to the emergency room. While Daniel was in the hospital, the doctor decided to admit him for observation. He was sweating profusely, had a moderate fever, and was breathing shallowly. He was also tired and his blood pressure was elevated. Although his test results were odd, his doctor was unconcerned at the time. Daniel also expressed his discomfort.
Daniel’s mother and brother Jeff are waiting for you in his room today since you’ve been assigned to look after him. Daniel appeared to be snoozing. In your written assignment, respond to the following questions utilizing the nursing process:
With what you already know, what kind of factual and subjective data can you obtain? What mechanism will you employ to collect this data? What other evidence do you require?
The Issue Has Been Analyzed and Identified: What do you believe Daniel’s problem(s) are? What are the possibilities for nursing diagnoses? Use the following to identify yourself.
Plan: Determine two goals and one nursing intervention for each of your nursing diagnoses.
While you won’t be able to put your nursing interventions into practice or evaluate their effectiveness, how confident are you that they’ll work?