Which conditions should be considered as possible diagnoses?
NU623 Adult Healthcare Unit 12 Discussion A 35-year-old woman presents to the walk-in clinic with an erythemic rash along her left lateral rib area, somewhat under her breast, which she describes as “very painful.” You note it has a few vesicles developing. The woman has a 6-month-old infant who is breastfeeding and three other children over 3 years of age, all of whom the parents have chosen not to vaccinate against common childhood illnesses. The woman describes recent stress related to providing 24-hour care in her home to her mother, who is seriously ill. The woman is seeking treatment for the painful rash. Which conditions should be considered as possible diagnoses? What additional information should be gathered to make the diagnosis? Which condition is the woman likely experiencing? What additional information should you obtain from the patient? What treatment plan should you prescribe for the woman? What follow-up care should you recommend to the woman? Based on the likely diagnosis, what are your concerns about the other members of the family? Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/