Where appropriate your discussion needs to be supported by scholarly resources.
NU636 Advanced Pharmacology Unit 1 Discussion Alternative Modalities In the Online Nursing Orientation resource module you were introduced to our graduate nursing certification success platform – the ‘3 Vs’ – ‘Vision, Value, Victory’. For those of you who also completed their graduate nursing theory and research courses in our program additional information was conveyed about our certification success framework. Certification success thinking starts with your ‘vision’ to enter the program. Through the ‘3 Vs’ we hope to focus students’ thoughts about the ‘value’ that each course in the program brings to movement toward certification success. And ‘victory’ comes with success is achieved by success on planned certification exams. Other ‘models’ that have the potential to impact your perspective on the ‘value’ of your course work have been provided for those of you who completed theory and research as a part of our program. Another model is examined in this course. First utilized in the 1920s and often viewed as a model to view/guide process improvement model is the PDSA model (Plan, Do, Study, Act). The model parallels the tenants of action research in education and can be used to guide development of treatment plans for patients (or self) as well. Unit 1 DB img.jpg One of the aims of the ‘3 Vs’ is to convey how ‘models’ thinking contributes to the development of your critical decision making processes. Here we will apply the PDSA model to what may be an everyday circumstance. Our goal, however, is that you gain an understanding of the value of models and come to see them as a part of your everyday decision making rather than as nebulous ideology. In this unit you will be reading about complementary, alternative and integrative health care approaches. Review information about those therapies on the NCCIH website accessed through the link below.https://nccih.nih.gov/health/integrative-health (Links to an external site.) Please develop a discussion that responds to each of the following prompts. Where appropriate your discussion needs to be supported by scholarly resources. Be sure to include in-text citations in the context of the discussion and provide a full reference citation at the end of the discussion. Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/