When we are guilty of the same thing, how can we advise patients on their health?
My classmates’ response: “Drug abuse staff and clients smoking together: A shared experience” is the peer-reviewed article of choice.
addiction.” This article was retrieved from the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment.
Walden University’s library When I searched for an article, it was one of thousands that came up.
I looked for a “peer-reviewed” article and chose it because this is one of the most pressing issues confronting the world today.
a country (mental health). Despite the fact that my search was for “peer review,” the article mentioned tobacco.
They used the keywords nicotine, drug treatment, and policy in their search.
“Scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles are written by experts or scholars.”
in their respective fields They frequently publish research results in the sciences and social sciences.” (Cornell
This article is based on the experiences of clients and employees of drug-abuse treatment facilities.
centers smoking in unison According to the survey, where there was more smoking together, the clients were more satisfied.
Clients received fewer tobacco services, and their intention to quit smoking was lower. The overall
In the interest of client health, the conclusion was that the practice should be discontinued.
Reading through the body of the article, I was unsure of the author’s position, whether in favor of or against
Support or opposition to the practice It is a significant challenge to educate the educators (nurses and teachers).
healthcare workers) that they must not only practice what they preach by not smoking, but also be
Weakening ourselves and the profession by smoking 1:1 with the patient. In all honesty, how can we
When we are guilty of the same thing, how can we advise patients on their health?