What would be the reasoning behind a healthcare institution not going after Magnet status?
What would be the reasoning behind a healthcare institution not going after Magnet status? 2. How has technology affected the newborn screening process? 3. Although it is, unfortunately, not uncommon to see the aftermath of violence in the workplace on the news, it goes far beyond the 30-second story on television. What are the reported effects to nurses who sustain injuries from patient assaults? 4. Examine the ways that nursing ideas, values, and beliefs are involved in establishing the public policy agenda. 5. Analyze the problem with using a third party to pay medical costs. 6. What risk is associated with the creation of new drugs? 7. In what way does U.S. federalism make the regulation of the health insurance market complicated? 8. Where do nurses fit into the current healthcare reform environment? 9. In accordance with the consumer protections offered under the ACA, what must all health plans do? 10. How did the employer-based private healthcare model gain dominance during World War II? 11. In what way will the evolving healthcare policy environment open up opportunities for nurses? 12. Medicare is moving quickly to bring about effective changes on reimbursement and finances, as it faces increasing financial spending and swelling enrollment. Which information about the 2017 fiscal year supports financial concerns? a. Medicare benefits to qualifying individuals will total $709.4 billion. b. Medicare will cover 58 million people under the age of 65 years. c. Medicare costs for outpatient care and medications increased 25%. d. Medicare covers 50% of the population for chronic health problems. 13. Medicare Part D provides care for equipment, care, and medications for persons with chronic illnesses. True or false? 14. What belief prompted President Theodore Roosevelt to advocate for the passage of health insurance? a. That the federal government should provide citizens with healthcare. b. That a strong country requires a population that is healthy. c. That private companies should not benefit from insurance plans. d. That in a developing country people cannot afford self-care. 15. In 1988, the most significant changes since the enactment of Medicare occurred. What is the name of the legislation and what changes took place? 16. Part B Medicare coverage is voluntary and requires a monthly premium to be paid by the beneficiary. Which service is covered by Medicare Part B? a. The cost of help needed with daily activities b. Any care required outside of the United States c. Professional healthcare in the home setting d. Care related to eyes, teeth, and hearing 17. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services proposes a method of managing Medicare costs by increasing availability of __ drugs and biologics. 18. Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) is instrumental in identifying and initiating actions aimed at the sources of Medicare’s supplemental medical insurance revenue. Which action is NOT part of the MACRA proposal? a. Some beneficiaries will pay higher premiums based on income. b. Medicare payment will be based on high-quality care and reasonable cost. c. Nursing professionals will be exempt from top-performer differential payment. d. Clinicians will be rewarded for performance based on value versus volume. 19. The Quality Reporting Program (QRP) data will remain confidential between the clinician and Medicare. True or False? 20. International comparisons of healthcare illustrate fundamental flaws in the U.S. system of care. Which option is NOT indicative of a flaw in the U.S. healthcare system? a. The U.S. system is weighted with specialists. b. The U.S. system is known for overutilization. c. The U.S. system focuses on medical care. d. The U.S. system is characterized by waste. 21. Roughly one-third of healthcare is considered to be unnecessary. Which option is NOT correct in regards to unnecessary treatments? a. Overtreatment is benign if it results in the maintenance of health. b. Healthy people become victims of a healthcare system using unnecessary treatments. c. Treatments can result in prolonged suffering at vulnerable times such as the end of life. d. Unnecessary treatments raise ethical issues because they take an emotional toll on people. 22. Fee-for-service healthcare impacts many facets of society. Which is NOT a by-product of the fee-for-service implementation of healthcare? a. Education and housing benefit from primary medical care. b. Employer healthcare programs assure a healthy workforce. c. Greater revenue is provided for the providers of healthcare. d. Maintenance of health provides a means for better housing. 23. Value-based care can be implemented through models developed for this purpose. Which is NOT a feature of value-based care? a. High-volume, high-reimbursement, with accountability by the provider. b. Providers are accountable and are financially rewarded for positive outcomes. c. Providers accept accountability for both outcomes and costs of healthcare. d. Care deficient in meeting outcomes or costs result in reduced reimbursement. 24. Upstream thinking is an important part of primary care because it addresses all the factors impacting the patient’s healthcare and the treatment of an acute or chronic condition. Which is NOT an appropriate goal for upstream, thinking? a. New approaches to health promotion can be initiated. b. Patient’s level of cooperation is initiated and expected. c. Healthcare actions are aimed at illness prevention d. Health maintenance is the focus for chronic conditions. 25. Job embeddedness is an important factor in primary care. Which statements about job embeddedness are factual? Select all that apply. a. Patients have a continuously rotating group of professionals to provide care. b. Healthcare providers feel a link with other professionals, teams, and groups. c. Job opportunities are increased for professionals with job embeddedness. d. Team members feel they would experience a loss or sacrifice with a job change. e. Job embeddedness is reflective of feelings of fitting into the current position. 26. In the life cycle of a lawsuit, one states direct to arbitration panel. True or False? 27. What is malpractice? 28. A plaintiff in a malpractice suite must prove the following: a. NP owed no duty. b. NP owed plaintiff a duty. c. NP’s conduct fell below plaintiff’s expectations. d. NP was injured. 29. Which of the following is NOT a practice-associated risks that the NP faces? a. Risk of clinical error. b. Risk of being sued for malpractice. c. Risk of failing to inform patients. d. Risk of failing to inform instructors. e. Risk of exceeding legal scope of practice. 30. There is a risk of being sued even when there was no clinical error. True or False.