
Please respond to the following questions after reading Chapter 14 and reviewing the lecture powerpoint (which can be found under the lectures tab).

1. What warning signs might you look for if you suspect a professional boundary violation or crossing is taking place?

2. Distinguish between the terms terminal sedation, rational suicide, and physician-assisted suicide (or assisted suicide).

Please find an attachment containing the book and the power-point presentation.

Turnitin is a required assignment. Plagiarism will be checked on this document.


Please respond to the following questions after you have finished reading Chapter 14 and reviewing the lecture power point. Each question must have at least three paragraphs, and you must include at least three references (APA style) in your post, none of which should be more than five years old, in order to be considered complete.

Also included are an introduction (3 paragraphs) and a conclusion (3 paragraphs), both of which are related to the topics covered in the chapters or the questions asked.