What laws govern elderly evacuation?
The goal of this paper is to discuss the impact of deciding to shelter or evacuate in the face of flood warnings or during floods, particularly on elderly people in nursing homes. When a disaster strikes, most of the community’s shelters are not adequately prepared to handle elderly people in need of assistance and, in some cases, medical attention. Critical information on where to go and how to get help is also unavailable. Providing disaster preparedness tools to the elderly in nursing homes during floods can aid in their recovery.
Topics of interest
1. Policies and plans
What laws govern elderly evacuation?
2. National disaster
Understanding the crises/disasters that necessitated evacuation
Tropical Storm Katrina
Rita, the hurricane
The crisis’s ramifications
3. Evacuation Difficulties
Transportation Issues
Federal and state reimbursement are limited.
4. Making Evacuations More Accessible
Include them, as well as their service organizations, in the development and implementation of evacuation plans.
Outreach & Training
Tools That Are Beneficial