What job duties necessitate the presence of a manager?
You have been promoted to the position of Nurse Manager. Human Resources (HR) requires you to attend a leadership and management training workshop as you transition into your new role. The first day of the workshop includes a self-assessment of your leadership and communication style, as well as an examination of key characteristics of an effective nursing leader, with an assessment of your professional development needs. HR requires you to complete a Professional Development Needs Assessment so that future training sessions can be tailored to your self-identified needs.
To organize your Professional Development Needs Assessment, use the following subheadings:
Leader versus Manager: Distinguish between leadership and management.
What job duties necessitate the presence of a manager?
What situations necessitate the presence of a leader?
Important Ideas: Explain key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts that promote collaboration and interprofessional collaboration.
Explain how key nursing leadership, management, and communication concepts facilitate interprofessional team collaboration.
Leadership Self-Assessment: Describe your personal style of leadership and communication.
Describe the characteristics of your leadership style that make you an effective leader.
Enhancement of Skills: Determine what skills or areas of professional development you want to work on in the future.
What education and experience do you need to be a successful leader in your new position?