
As a Pharmacy Manager, you must be able to communicate the requirements of state law to your employees. The pharmacy technicians, on the other hand, may be unfamiliar with certain aspects of state law, whereas pharmacists are generally knowledgeable about them. Because of this, you will need to include content in your policy/procedure that explains key laws that Pharmacy Technicians will need to be familiar with and apply on a regular basis. The transferable skills that you will demonstrate through this assignment are information literacy, ethical behavior, and professional responsibility, among other things.

In preparation for this, I’ve done the following:

Research and write a summary of your state’s laws pertaining to the responsibilities of a Pharmacy Technician.
Explain how the state’s laws are consistent with the ethical standards expected of pharmacy employers. What is the significance of these individuals in demonstrating professional ethical practices? Investigate the ramifications of engaging in unethical business practices on the company and its customers.
Write your findings in an APA formatted paper that is at least 2-pages in length, using the APA style. Make sure to include an APA formatted reference page with a minimum of three credible sources, with at least two of them being academic in nature (such as an academic journal). Include a minimum of three in-text citations that are properly formatted.

A word about credible sources: Reliable, accurate, and trustworthy sources are what we are looking for. Several of these sources are written by authors who are well-known in their respective fields of study. To check for accuracy and support what they have written, you want to identify sources where the author of the article is listed; if they have referenced other information, the sources should be cited so that you can check for accuracy and support what they have written.
Wikipedia is not regarded as a reliable source of information. Please see the Rasmussen Online Library for additional information on reputable sources of information.
If you are interested in learning more about the following resources:

Regulatory board for pharmacy in your state
Rasmussen online library: Health Policy Reference Center via EBSCO Health Sciences and Nursing via ProQuest – Pharmaceutical News Index; Health Policy Reference Center via EBSCO Health Sciences and Nursing