What is the enzyme that dissolves clots?
NURS6501 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 10 Knowledge Check Women’s and Men’s Health, Infections, and Hematologic Disorders In this exercise, you will complete a 10-20-question Knowledge Check to gauge your understanding of this module’s content. Possible topics covered in this Knowledge Check include: Sexually transmitted diseases Prostate Epididymitis Factors that affect fertility Reproductive health Alterations and fertility Anemia ITP and TTPDIC Thrombocytopeni Question 1How does bacteria reach the prostate to cause acute bacterial prostatitis? Answers: blood circulation through the urinary tractvia the teste through the epididymis Question 2Pernicious anemia is characterized as: Answers: Macrocytic-normochromicMicrocytic-normochromicMacrocytic-hypochromicMicrocytic-hypochromicQuestion 3The production of sperm in the male occurs: Answers: at birth only during fetal life at puberty during orgasm Question 4HPV serotypes 16 and 18 are associated with ____________________. Answers: genital wartsano genital cancer PID Endometriosis Question 5The production of ova in the female occurs: Answers: at birth only during fetal life at puberty during menstruation Question 6What type of organism is gonorrhea caused by? Answers: Gram-negative diplococciAnaerobic spirochete Gram-negative intracellular bacterium Gram positive rodQuestion 7Hemolysis from a mismatched blood transfusion is an example of what type of hemolytic anemia? Answers: autoimmuneintravascularalloimmuneextravascularQuestion 8In the bone marrow, hematopoietic stem cells in the osteoblastic niche are active.Answers: TrueFalseQuestion 9All types of leukemia are characterized by uncontrolled production of white blood cells in the bone marrow that thereby decreases the amount and function of erythrocytes and platelets.Answers: TrueFalseQuestion 10 In males, LH stimulates Leydig cells to produce _______________Answers: androgenstestosteroneestrogenprogesteroneQuestion 11After iron is absorbed it is stored inside cells attached to ______________.Answers: transferrinferritinferroportinhemosiderinQuestion 12Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) begins in the what area of the prostate?Answers: peripheryinner layerscentral zonetransition zoneQuestion 13What type of organism is Chlamydia caused by?Answers: Gram-negative diplococciAnaerobic spirocheteGram-negative intracellular bacteriumGram positive rodQuestion 14Which of the following stimulates bone marrow to produce more platelets? Answers: PlasminogenThrombopoietinErythropoietin PlasminQuestion 15Which of the following cells are agranulocytes?Answers: Macrophage, natural killer cell, and lymphocyteNeutrophil, basophil, and eosinophilMonocyte, basophil, and eosinphilNeutrophil, natural killer cell, and lymphocyteQuestion 16What is the most common prostate cancer in men?Answers: squamous cell carcinomasarcomaadenocarcinomatransitional cell carcinomaQuestion 17 The risk for developing gonorrhea from vaginal or anal intercourse with an infected partner is greater for the receptive partner.Answers: TrueFalseQuestion 18What is the enzyme that dissolves clots? Answers: Thrombopoietin Tissue thromboplastinPlasminMyoglobinQuestion 19The release of what chemical causes chronic inflammation leading to anemia of chronic disease by decreasing the availability of iron and inhibiting erythroid progenitors?Answers: macrophagescytokinesantibodieshaptenQuestion 20In a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome, the APRN would expect which hormone changes?Answers: Increased androgens and decreased estrogensDecreased androgens and increased estrogensIncreased androgens and increased estrogensDecreased androgens and decreased estrogens Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/