What gives the nurse reason to be concerned? When someone is in pain, they do not move as they should.
Conduct a pain assessment on a family member or a friend, not a client, utilizing the COLDER approach/questions. Write a brief overview of your findings and offer two nurse non-pharmacological interventions.
The nurse must first do a thorough examination. This includes a thorough medical history, a physical examination, and a review of previous medical records.
Subjective information should be included in the pain assessment using the acronym:
Sharp, dull, achy, and scorching are some of the characteristics of this character.
When did it all start?
What is its location?
How long is it going to last?
What causes the exacerbation?
What makes things better is relief.
Does radiation exist, and if so, where does it travel?
What gives the nurse reason to be concerned? When someone is in pain, they do not move as they should. Protecting against pain has an impact on circulation, healing, gas exchange, and gastrointestinal motility. The relevance of mobility in maintaining homeostasis has been debated. Because the client may not have appropriate gas exchange or circulation to mend or remove toxins, this might make healing more difficu