What are the legal, privacy, and ethical considerations of this trend?
NR361 RN Information Systems in Healthcare Week 5 Discussion Trends in Informatics PurposeThis week’s graded discussion topic relates to the following Course Outcomes (COs).CO6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6)CO7: Examine the use of information systems to document interventions related to achieving nurse sensitive outcomes. (PO 7)Discussion This is the week to really see where technology and healthcare are connecting. Select ONE of the following trends and discuss your understanding of this trend in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice as a nurse. What are the legal, privacy, and ethical considerations of this trend? (Everyone attempt to choose a different topic so that we will learn about the many advancements in technology). Nanotechnology Consumer health informatics (CHI)Social media healthcare applications Health-focused wearable technology e Health Artificial Intelligence Simulation Computerized provider order entry (CPOE)Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA)Creative measures in healthcare for use with 3D printers Smart Pumps Smart Rooms Robotics in healthcare Mobile technology in outpatient care Web-based tools and software technology Risk Management tools Chat bots or Bots in healthcare Telenursing Telemedicine Tele pharmacy Tele rehabilitation Teleconsultation Tele hospice Technology advancement from your clinical practice Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/