Week 6 Post Hurricane Gentrification(sample)
The most challenging thing you have faced.
The most challenging thing I have faced while conducting this research study is determining the methodology or procedure to help with the research going forward. This is so because establishing post-hurricane gratification levels such as poverty and education accessibility, especially among the affected people, may prove somewhat tricky without a suitable methodology. One has to determine the income level, number of students going/not going to school, and accessibility to hospital services among such areas to gather information on people living in Puerto Rico, New Jersey, Florida, and Louisiana.
Has Anything been easier than you thought it was before starting?
Initially, I worried about deriving/coming up with the best research questions. However, this was the easiest part, although care must be taken to remain relevant to the research objective.
Do you have any suggestions for your classmates?
Indeed. While it may prove challenging to determine the suitable research methodology, students need to know that the appropriate method should emerge from the research question rather than from individual preferences. Also, students ought to learn strategies to come up with research questions. Therefore, questions must address the research subject matter and should be consistent with it.
Study objective and statement of the problem
the study objective of this research is to determine the poverty level of individuals impacted by hurricanes. The objective is also to assess the level of healthcare accessibility among the natives. And lastly, the objective is to assess the level of education accessibility among the natives. The problem statement is to determine the post-hurricane gentrification level for people living in Puerto Rico, New Jersey, Florida, and Louisiana after they experienced the Maria, Katrina, and Irma hurricanes.
The study indicated dozens of negative impacts regarding Gentrification among the locals. The local population’s general well-being, such as their physical and mental health, was impacted. Barton et al., 2022). In regard to the research, low-income locals were greatly affected by the Katrina hurricane, with most of them experiencing physical distress. The cost of living went up, and low income. People would hardly afford essential commodities (Laniyonu, 2019). The research also shows that people living in Gentrification areas were at a higher risk of serious psychological issues than their counterparts. Also, the research associates low-income people in Gentrification areas with specific characteristics such as low self-esteem, general distress, and depression as a result of financial distress (Qiang, Timmins, Wang, 2021). In conclusion, Gentrification resulted in economic imbalance, thus impacting their health, housing, and education.
Barton, M. S., Weil, F. D., & Van De Voorde, N. (2022). Interrogating the Importance of Collective Resources for the Relationship of Gentrification With Health. Housing Policy Debate, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1080/10511482.2022.2055616
Laniyonu, A. (2019). Assessing the impact of Gentrification on eviction: a spatial modeling approach. Harv. CR-CLL Rev., pp. 54, 741.
Qiang, A. J., Timmins, C., & Wang, W. (2021). Displacement and the consequences of Gentrification. Working paper.