
1.The disorder characterized by eating binges followed by forced vomiting is referred to as:



Anorexia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa

2.A person who loses weight by forcing herself to vomit after meals or by taking laxatives and otherwise fits the definition of anorexia is suffering from:

Anorexia nervosa (binge-eating/purging)

B)Anorexia nervosa with food phobia.

C)restricted anorexia nervosa

D)Anorexia nervosa with variable limits.

3.Although the majority of victims recover from eating disorders, between and of them become seriously ill and die as a result of medical problems or suicide.

(A) 2%; (B) 6%

6%; 10%

(C)10%; (14%);

D) 14%; 18%

4.What percentage of anorexics die as a result of medical complications?

A)less than 2% of the total

B)2 to 6% of the total

C)10 to 20% of the total

D)nearly a quarter

5.People suffering from anorexia nervosa are more likely to:

A)exaggerate their body size.

B)underestimate their physical size.

C)estimate their body size correctly.

D)have varying degrees of accuracy in estimating their body size.

6.Anorexic people frequently exhibit which of the following personality traits?


B)reduced anxiety

C)a number of phobias

D)manic episodes

7.All of the following are anorexia nervosa consequences EXCEPT:


B)dry, rough, and cracked skin

C)high blood pressure and fever

D)the formation of the silky hair that envelops newborns.

8.Bulimia is always distinguished by:

A)uncontrollable bingeing.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

C)Fasting and frenetic exercise.

D)not being overweight.

9.The first step in treating anorexia nervosa is to do the following:

A)improve family coping mechanisms.

B)resolve any outstanding oral conflicts.

C)correct unhelpful thought patterns.

D)assist the individual in regaining lost weight.

10.The most widely used treatment for regaining weight in anorexics is:


B)intravenous nutrition.

C)psychotherapy that is supportive.

D)continuous nursing care and a high-calorie diet