Please explain in a blog post that is three-to-five (3–5) sentences long.
NU601 Nursing Theory Week 1 Blog Forever Mark According to Levine, “Nursing is a human interaction. The nurse enters into a partnership of human experience where sharing moments in time—some trivial, some dramatic—leaves its mark forever on each patient” (Alligood, 2010, Nursing theory: Utilization & application, p. 183). Has a patient ever left a mark forever on you? Please explain in a blog post that is three-to-five (3–5) sentences long. NU601 Nursing Theory Week 2 Blog Exploring Grief The concept of grief has many uses. What does grief mean to you? Provide your thoughts in a blog post that is three-to-five (3–5) sentences long. NU601 Nursing Theory Week 3 Blog Autonomy and YouAs a CNS, Dr. Matteis had to assert to a psychiatrist that a psychiatric patient needed to be hospitalized. Was there a time when your autonomy as a nurse was important? Why might autonomy be of interest to you in your current work? Please explain in a blog post that is three-to-five (3–5) sentences long. NU601 Nursing Theory Week 5 Blog Empathy in Interpersonal Relationships Watch “The Heart of Compassion” video (found in Week 5: Learning Materials) for this blog assignment. In a blog post of three to five (3–5) sentences long, describe how empathy is an important part of your nursing practice. NU601 Nursing Theory Week 8 Blog Personal Takeaway For this blog entry, provide one personal take-away from the course. For example, has the course impacted your views of nursing theory? Have you applied something you learned in your nursing practice? Has a topic from the course influenced you personally? Write a blog post of between three to five (3–5) sentences long. Purchase this Tutorial.