personal experiences, people, and/or values that have shaped your beliefs and opinions on nursing. What drew you to the field of nursing? Include your “why” in this section. Learner Profile: How do you best LEARN/PROCESS INFORMATION?
As you begin to consider yourself as a nurse and what it means to be a member of this profession, consider the following themes. Of course, you are free to insert any additional issues that you believe are relevant to your unique philosophy:
1. Personal experiences, people, and/or values that have shaped your beliefs and opinions on nursing. What drew you to the field of nursing? Include your “why” in this section. Learner Profile: How do you best LEARN/PROCESS INFORMATION?
a. Professional objectives In five years, where do you see yourself? How about ten years?
a. The most pressing social or political concerns that concern you professionally
2. What do “health” and “sickness” mean to you?
3. Care recipients: Do you consider it a right or a privilege?
4. Professional nursing functions in health care, as well as roles outside of nursing’s purview.
5. Requirements for becoming a professional nurse
6. The profession’s future
7. Describe how nursing’s past has influenced its present and future.
8. Any more information you’d like to include