Or how about when a PA cannot perform a specific technique and has to await for a physician to do procedure or help assist prolonging care…that affects delivery of care too…Just food for thought?
There are typically three type of sources, they are private insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare. In all reality as it should not affect the type of care delivered, it does. Also I think depending on the type of insurance a person has highly depends on the type of tests or health care that is given. There are multiple reasons I believe this and they are one, some insurance’s will not cover certain tests or procedures two, depending on which type of organization and setting physicians will not order or attempt to provide particular services because they know they will not get reimbursed for it and three, HMO, POS, or Medicaid insurances require authorizations and this typically prolongs treatment and or services. Also this can cause denials of payments and coverage on millions of dollars a year. To not say that the type of insurance changes the type of treatment patients receive would be naive. It is a direct correlation to how an organization is paid and thus how they provide treatment. Previous discussion I have mentioned PA’s and NP’s as providers in some emergency rooms and this is cost saving technique however in all honesty they are not physicians and does that mean the patients are not getting the care they should? Or how about when a PA cannot perform a specific technique and has to await for a physician to do procedure or help assist prolonging care…that affects delivery of care too…Just food for thought?