If you were approached, what advice would you give to this colleague?
You’re nearing the end of your career as a doctor, and many of your patients are getting older. Several of them have mild dementia, and you’ve been talking about their wishes if they continue to lose mental capacity. An elderly gentleman arrived for his appointment the other day, accompanied by his middle-aged son, who reported that his father is becoming increasingly forgetful. The son prefers that his father be moved to a facility rather than continue to live alone. While examining your patient, you notice several bruises on his upper arms, indicating that he was grabbed by someone’s hand. When you bring up the idea of moving to an assisted living facility with him, he becomes very upset and claims that his son wants to get his hands on his money, which is why he wants him to leave his own home. The patient’s Mini Mental Status examination is normal, and he claims that his multiple bruises are the result of a friend grabbing his arm while they were out walking. You want to respect your patient’s autonomy to make his own decisions, but you are concerned that he may be in danger. You are unsure of the ethical principles and seek advice from a colleague. If you were approached, what advice would you give to this colleague?