Identify one nurse sensitive indicator that you think is a problem in your workplace
NURS4100Week 1 Assignment Evidence-Based Problem and Question To begin your EBP project for the course, you will develop your PICO statement and practice question using the Evidence-Based Problem and Question template in this week’s resources. The template covers all three parts of this assignment: Identify one nurse sensitive indicator that you think is a problem in your workplace Use the four PICO categories to describe this clinical problem. For the purposes of this class it is not recommended students attempt to select the topics of staff ratios/mix or turnover, job satisfaction, nursing care hours provided per patient day, or insurance issues. Develop an answerable EBP question. A “PICO Advice” discussion forum has been added to the Contact the Instructor section of the course to assist in development of the PICO related information. This forum is to provide students a centralized place to ask the instructor questions related to formation and revision of their PICO. All students are encouraged to review the discussion board as a way to learn from each other as PICO questions are explored and developed. NURS4100Week 2 Assignment Finding the Research Evidence Continuing on with step one of the Impact Model is the need to search for the studies to support your project. There are different classes of evidence that can guide changes in clinical practice. To prepare for this Assignment, review the following:· Academic Writing Expectations Checklist 4000 Level Courses.· Walden paper template. (No abstract required for AWE 4000.)Write a 2-page paper (exclusing title page and reference page) to address the following:· For the evidence-based problem that you identified in Week 1 for your project, locate two different articles/sources representing two different types of evidence from the following categories: (a) systematic review, (b) national clinical guidelines and/or (c) peer-reviewed quantitative / qualitative studies.· For each article/source of evidence:o Summarize the article/source in your own words without the use of direct quotes.o Using the Peterson et al., (2014) article located in Week 2 Resources address the level of evidence (hierarchy). Then discuss the usefulness of the evidence from the article/source in addressing the identified practice problem. Be sure to site evidence in-text and in a final reference page.o Describe where your two sources fit into the hierarchy of evidence and explain why.o Describe the value of these two sources in better understanding and addressing your evidence-based problem.· Use the writing template to follow APA formatting and follow AWE level 4000 guidelines.Note: Before you submit any final paper in the course for grading, submit it to Safe Assign within the course in the week’s draft area. Use the information provided in the Originality Report (Walden University, n.d.) to revise your paper. Paraphrasing and citing your sources in-text will decrease the Similarity Index. Revise your paper before submitting it. NURS4100Week 4 Assignment Appraisal GuideThe assignment for this week is to submit the Appraisal Guide for two of the resources that you have selected for your Evidence-Based Practice Project. You will need to select the Appraisal Guide that is appropriate for the type of study that was conducted. The Appraisal Guide: Findings of a Qualitative Study and the Appraisal Guide: Findings of a Quantitative Study are located in this week’s resources.· Access the Appraisal Guide that is appropriate for the study that was conducted· Complete the sections of the Appraisal guide for each of the two resources you have selected for your Evidence-Based Practice Project NURS4100Week 5 Assignment EBP Project PaperFor this Assignment, review the following:· Academic Writing Expectations Checklist 4000 Level Courses.· Walden paper template. (No abstract required for AWE 4000.)Using AWE Level 4000 writing guidelines submit a 3- to 4-page paper (not including the title page, reference list, and appraisal guides) on your EBP project including:· PICO clinical question· Recommended change in practice citing high-level evidence to support your suggested change in practice· Evaluation strategies and outcome measures· Select at least 5 sources of evidence from the following categories: (a) systematic review, (b) national clinical guidelines and/or (c) peer-reviewed quantitative / qualitative studies. Attach appraisal guides for all peer-reviewed articles.Pay specific attention to the Writing Expectations 4000 Checklist. Paraphrase, avoid direct quotes, and use your own words supported by evidence to exhibit scholarly writing. Do not use articles older than 5 years unless they have been confirmed as seminal articles by your Instructor. At least 5 sources of evidence are required for your paper. Attach appraisals after the reference page for each article used. (See the Clinical Guideline Appraisal and Systematic Review Appraisal in this week’s Resources.) NURS4100Week 6 Assignment EBP Project PaperFor this Assignment, review the following: The Week 6 Assignment RubricCreate a Voice Over PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your Evidence Based Practice Paper. Include a minimum of 6 slides (15 maximum) and the information provided in the Week 6 Assignment Rubric.The Voice Over PowerPoint Presentation is worth a maximum of 200 points and is to be posted in the Week 6 Discussion Board by Day 3 and to the Week 6 Assignment submission area by Day 7. Purchase this Tutorial.