How would this condition be diagnosed and treated in allopathic medicine versus Curanderismo? Why is cultural competence so important in this case?
This assignment is worth 30 points and consists of two short answer questions.
The following short answer assignment consists of 1-2 case scenarios and two questions. The questions will ask you to apply the concepts taught in this lesson to specific case scenarios.
While it is important to remember that we are discussing cultures in general terms that do not always apply to specific individuals, some degree of “heritage consistency” can be assumed for the purposes of this assignment.
Each question requires a 100 to 250-word well-developed paragraph with well-developed sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar. It is critical to review the lesson objectives and ensure that your response demonstrates your achievement of those objectives.
Cite all sources of information, including your textbook, in the text by using the author’s last name and page numbers in parenthesis; for a book: (Last name of the author, year, p. ###) At the end of the assignment, include a resource list formatted as follows: Last name, first initial of the author (year). Italicized title. Publisher’s address: Publisher’s address
You’re working in the emergency room when a couple walks in looking for help for Thomas, a 6-month-old Mexican baby. During the examination, you notice that the boy’s fontanelle is depressed. He has been vomiting and having diarrhea for the past day or two, according to his mother, and he is not nursing well. The family considered consulting a curandera, but a neighbor suggested that they might be better served at the local emergency room. Fortunately, you are on duty and can contribute your knowledge of transcultural health care to the situation.
Question 1: Compare and contrast a curanderismo’s and an allopathic care provider’s interpersonal style (i.e. bedside manner).
Question 2: How would this condition be diagnosed and treated in allopathic medicine versus Curanderismo? Why is cultural competence so important in this case?