How will competency mastery improve your practice?
Investigate a professional organization with clout in the health policy issue of Removing Barriers to Nurse Practitioners’ Ability to Practice.
Find at least one academic article that focuses on the professional organization’s efforts to change the health policy issue.
Contact the organization and ask at least two specific questions about the health policy issue that are not addressed on their website or in the article.
Create a marketable visual presentation (flyer, pamphlet, poster, etc.) about your organization. Include the following information in your presentation:
The organization’s role and mission
The organization’s benefits to its members and the APRN community as a whole.
How will networking with this organization and others in the industry help drive change in your chosen health policy issue?
How can the organization be used as a guiding coalition to address your health policy issue based on the article you chose and your research on the organization?
Write a 350- to 525-word summary analyzing three advanced practice nursing core competencies and how they relate to professional organizations and professional development.
In your summary, consider the following questions:
What is the significance of the chosen competencies?
How will competency mastery improve your practice?