How does the philosophy of Lehman College’s Department of Nursing relate to human science?
To demonstrate your comprehension and application of nursing concepts as a human science.
Criteria for Grading and Guidelines
What does it mean to refer to nursing as a human science? (ten points)
How does the philosophy of Lehman College’s Department of Nursing relate to human science? (ten points)
Define and discuss one (1) nursing concept as a human science. (35% of points)
The concept you select should be relevant to the course material. This includes, but is not limited to, Humanism and Humanistic Nursing Theory—call and response; intersubjectivity; individuality; interpersonal relationships; ethical principles, codes, rights, and responsibilities, and so on. Professionalism, autonomy, and the Universal Phenomenon
Give two (2) examples from your reflections in your discussion of the concept.
(Each example is worth 5 points.)
Discuss how this concept reflects the values and meanings you hold in relation to your nursing practice. (20 pts.)
APA format, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are examples of references and format (15 points)