How does he/she practice his/her religion in the United States?
Answer the following questions as you meet the person you are interviewing:
1-Can you tell me about his/her background (name, age, profession, origins)? Is he/she a recent immigrant, the son/daughter of an immigrant, a native of the United States, or a convert to Islam? (3 points for 200 words)
2-How does he/she practice his/her religion in the United States? Is it simple? challenging? Is there anything that makes you stand out? (3 points for 200 words)
3-What are his or her goals? Are they, in your opinion, any different from other Americans of different faiths or those who do not identify with any particular faith? (3 points for 200 words)
4-What are his or her biggest fears? Is he/she concerned about the political climate in the United States?