
Please write a paragraph about this post in accordance with this directive. The majority of posts contain four or more sentences. In addition, you must have a high-quality post in terms of both content and presentation. This implies that it must go beyond simply agreeing with or praising a classmate. In case you agree with a classmate, explain why you agree with them, provide an example, and share what you learned from your readings.

A variable that interferes with the operation of the phenomenon under investigation is referred to as an extraneous variable. Extraneous variables exist in all studies, according to the material in Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice. According to the material in Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based practice, “extraneous variables can interfere with obtaining a clear understanding of the relationships among the study variables” (Burns & Grove, 2010, p. 40). Because extraneous variables have an unintended impact on the results, the researchers attempt to control them by carefully studying the design of the experiment. One of the most significant manifestations of undesirable variable control is the use of thoughtful sample selection. The researchers must choose participants in such a way that any interactions with them because of their background are kept to a minimum. One example of control over extraneous variables would be the selection of patients who have undergone the same surgeries and who receive the same amount and type of medication for a research study on pain perception, among other things (Burns & Grove, 2010, p. 40). In the learning strategy research, where all participants have the same level of knowledge, another example of error management would be to use a randomized trial (Missouri University of Science and Technology website, n.d.). Following that, systematic control over additional variables can be used to improve study outcomes while also reducing the margin for error.