Explain the three’s relationship and the role each plays in providing quality patient care in the scenario.
Many chapters of Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice go into detail about the theory-practice gap. As you’ve read throughout the course, there’s been a lot of talk about the relationship between theory and practice, as well as how it relates to day-to-day nursing activities. This assignment is intended to demonstrate that, while there may be a gap, other factors play a significant role in decision-making, and that each aspect of theory, research, and practice experience is essential to providing well-rounded patient care. review Figure 1.4: Relationships between education, science, and practice.
Consider a scenario in which theory, research, and practice all work together to produce positive patient outcomes.
Replace the text in the Theory-Practice Gap diagram template with the following to create a visual representation of the theory-practice relationship or gap:
Use names, citations, or both.
Following the diagram, write a narrative explanation of your visual representation of at least 525 to 700 words.
• Describe the theory, research, and practice guideline or standard that you have chosen.
• Explain the three’s relationship and the role each plays in providing quality patient care in the scenario.
• Describe any gaps, such as a lack of research, a lack of practice standards, or a lack of usable theory.
• Determine the best course of action for making decisions when one aspect is missing.
Include documentation of the practice guideline or standard, as well as an example of your corresponding research, evidence, or literature.
Cite your research and practice guidelines both in-text and on the template’s references page.
The template is included in the wk 5 assignment file that I uploaded.