Explain the similarities and contrasts between functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism, the three basic sociological viewpoints.
Please type your responses to the two essay questions mentioned below in a single Word document. Each response should be around two pages long, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, and one-inch margins. You may use your textbook and notes to assist you in answering these questions.
Identify the many types of social norms and offer an example from the profession of nursing for each. If necessary, explain why this rule is classified in this manner. Identify the various sorts of punishments and describe the sanctions related with the various nursing social norms you’ve discovered. (two (2) pages)
Explain the similarities and contrasts between functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism, the three basic sociological viewpoints. Determine whether a macrolevel or microlevel of analysis is used in each perspective. (2pages)