explain Process data and Outcome data in the context of quality and safety in health care
Identify and explain the aims and core business of health institutions from the perspective of both the organisation and the nursing sector within the organisation
- Identify and explain Process data and Outcome data in the context of quality and safety in health care
- Use one (1) example of a clinical care activity for which process and outcome data is collected to:
- Discuss the clinical care activity in relation to quality and safety,
- Critically analyse scholarly literature and relevant resources to discuss the process and outcome data collected about that activity,
- Discuss how these data are used in relation to quality and safety in health care institutions.
Marking Criteria
CRITERIA ONE: Context and Identified Data
- Clearly identifies the aims and core business of health care institutions
- Clearly defines and discusses Process Data particularly in relation to safety and quality in health care and nursing
- Cleary defines and discusses Outcome Data in relations to quality and safety in health care and nursing
- Uses scholarly literature and other appropriate resources to support the discussion.
CRITERIA TWO: Analysis and Application through use of example
- Specifically and succinctly identifies and discusses one example of an clinical care activity in relation to safety and quality, for which process data and outcome data can be identified (10)
- Clear critical analysis of scholarly literature to support the following: (20)
− Discussion of what process data may be collected and the rationale for collection of such data
− Discussion of what outcome data may be collected and the rationale for collection of such data
- Critically discusses how the both the process data and outcome data may be used to improve quality and safety for patients (10)
- Formatted and presented according to the Assignment Writing and Referencing Guidelines.
- An opening paragraph that contextualises the written paper and clearly identifies its aim
- Logically developed argument throughout
- Has a concluding paragraph that summarises the overall argument in the assignment without