Explain how wisdom influences nursingpractice.
Select a simple information system used in clinical setting (e.g., glucometer or physiologic monitor) • Identify the purpose of the system and the clinicians who use it. • Describe how data are captured and displayed, including the timeframe in what data are collected, how and where data are stored, and how data are displayed. • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the process to obtain the data, including risks for error in obtaining data. Explain potential reasons for unintended consequences and anticipate potential work-arounds that could threaten patient safety when the system is usedincorrectly. • Describe the knowledge synthesis required to transform these data into information then knowledge to arrive at a clinical decision. Provide a clinical example. • Explore how wisdom- clinical experiences and expertise- guide clinicians to implement appropriate interventions when analyzing the data and information the system generates. Explain how wisdom influences nursingpractice.