Explain how the evidence influences nursing practice.
724.8.5: Inquiry Foundations – The graduate distinguishes between quality improvement processes, evidence-based practice, and research.
724.8.6 Literature Review and Analysis – The graduate demonstrates understanding of the process and results of conducting a literature review.
724.8.7: Ethics and Research – The graduate demonstrates knowledge of the ethics of nursing research, specifically human subject protections, informed consent, and alignment with patient and family values and preferences.
724.8.8: Patient Outcomes – Using relevant sources of evidence and the application of nursing theory, the graduate differentiates between identified standards and practices that do not improve patient outcomes.
724.8.9: Data Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination – From an interprofessional perspective, the graduate describes the process of data collection, analysis, and implementation of evidence that can improve clinical practice.
There are numerous sources of information about nursing available on the internet and in journals. As a result, understanding the fundamental tenets of critical appraisal of research for use in intraprofessional healthcare practices is critical. The goal of evidence-based practice (EBP) is to combine the best available research evidence, patient values and preferences, and clinical expertise into a three-pronged approach.
In this task, you will evaluate two primary sources of research evidence. You will choose one quantitative and one qualitative peer-reviewed journal article on a relevant healthcare topic.
The rubric contains specific criteria for evaluating your submission. You must use the rubric to guide the creation of your submission. Each of the requirements listed below may be assessed by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may include hyperlinks to relevant course sections.
A. Assess a primary quantitative research peer-reviewed journal article with healthcare implications (suggested length: 3–5 pages) by doing the following:
1. Using the attached “Evidence Table,” determine how the researcher addresses the five following areas of the selected journal article:
• a brief history or introduction
• a literature review
• Methodology discussion
• data examination
• the researcher’s findings
2. Assess whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article backs up the researcher’s conclusion.
Please keep in mind that the attached “Evidence Table” can be used to address A1. A2-A5 can be addressed on the same page, beneath the table.
Consider how the first four sections of the A1 table support the fifth section, the conclusion.
3. Discuss the journal article’s human subject protection and cultural considerations.
4. Determine the study’s strengths and weaknesses.
5. Explain how the evidence influences nursing practice.
B. Assess a primary qualitative research peer-reviewed journal article with healthcare implications (suggested length: 3–5 pages) by doing the following:
1. Using the attached “Evidence Table,” determine how the researcher addresses the five following areas of the selected journal article:
• a brief history or introduction
• a literature review
• Methodology discussion
• data examination
• the researcher’s findings
2. Assess whether the evidence presented in each section of the journal article backs up the researcher’s conclusion.
Please keep in mind that the attached “Evidence Table” can be used to address B1. B2-B5 could be addressed on the same page as the table.
Consider how the first four sections of the B1 table support the fifth section, the conclusion.
3. Discuss the journal article’s human subject protection and cultural considerations.
4. Determine the study’s strengths and weaknesses.
5. Explain how the evidence influences nursing practice.
C. Cite sources for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized using APA-formatte