Evaluation: Summarize the efforts of the CNA as a model to enhance APRN practice.
NU605 Concepts in Nursing Leadership Week 6 Assignment Leadership and Success of the California Nurses’ Association Watch the three-part California Nurses Association History videos and determine the role of leadership in the success of this organization. Your paper should include five to seven scholarly references and be three to four pages long, not counting cover page and references list. Your paper should include in the review: Comprehension: Briefly summarize the efforts and outcome of the CNA. Application: Relate core leadership concepts to the success of the CNA. Include the relationship of empowerment, government, and cultural competency to the struggles and success of the CNA. Analysis/Synthesis: Clarify understanding of the variables contributing to the success of the CNA group’s efforts. Evaluation: Summarize the efforts of the CNA as a model to enhance APRN practice. Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/